Friday, December 09, 2011

Look, I don't mean to complain, but...

I am about to complain about people who complain, and it's not something I want to do.
It's also not something I think I should have to do.

Sorry to anyone who actually read the last blog entry on More Reasons to Hate Social Networking which did touch on this, but I feel compelled to expand on it since the world hasn't responded yet. I realize that if that is my aim then I'll probably write about this 'til I die.

This is my qualm: People do not realize how good they have stuff. This qualm is also a bit of a qualm about social networking (oh and am I using 'qualm' correctly? - because I don't really care right now) and how they use it as a tool to grumble their way through life.

You'd think that when people have had good things handed to them on a plate that they might respond in a positive and grateful manner. What you don't expect is to witness online statements (eg. Tweets or Facebook 'statuses') in which they manage to complain about the brilliant thing they have been handed. Take, for example: a job. In the current climate a lot of young people are struggling to find part time work, and graduates struggle to find work suited to their level of qualification. A lot of people are unemployed and they'd kill to be working. (And I know this, because I'm 'friends' with them on Facebook.) To have a job is a big part of social status, independence and, most importantly, income. As a young person in full time education who doesn't pay for food or rent or NHS or tax, I realize that I'm incredibly lucky. There is actually no real need for me to have a job if all I wanted to do is survive, but unfortunately I have this love affair with a girl called Old Rosie, and so I work part-time to sustain this affair. And I'm going to say it: I like my job. I like my co-workers, I like my hours, I like working in the city... and maybe most of all I like having the financial independence for the things I do not actually need. It's a smashing set-up and I'm happy about it.

So why can't more people say that sort of thing? "Work is shit" (or along those lines) is a tedious statement to read repeatedly. How about - and I'm just being totally wild here - adding "but I like the money" to the end? "Work is shit but I like the money." There you go! A negative and a positive, balancing each other out, making you sound like less of a dickhead. How did nobody think of it before?

Our problem is a widespread Western disease of dissatisfaction. There is a quote from the 1999 film 'Fight Club' which I believe addresses this:
"We've all been raised on television to believe that one day we'd all be millionaires, and movie gods, and rock stars. But we won't. And we're slowly learning that fact. And we're very, very pissed off."
Credit cards allow our society to buy countless 'things' with money we don't have, and we've become greedy. When we gain the things we think should make us happy (a boyfriend, a job, a car) we still find ways to complain about them. We are not unfortunate people - but we want more, and not only do we want it, we delude ourselves enough to believe that we deserve it. "No. Everybody deserves clean water." (Zadie Smith.)

So dear reader, what I am trying to say is this: everyone enjoys some cynicism. It's sometimes what I believe social networking is practically based on - complaining about entertaining or baffling events for the amusement or enlightenment of somebody else. But every now and again try take a step away from your life and reassess the good bits, and maybe share some of those too.

On that note, I want to finish this entry with my 5 best bits of this week:
  1. The mind-blowingly awesome bacon and chicken sandwich I ate today.
  2. The lovely Monday night at the pub with Amy, followed by late night McDonalds and in-bed comedy shows.
  3. The discovery of Australian comedian Steve Hughes who has provided me with several laughs.
  4. The absolutely beyond incredible early Christmas present on Wednesday (and I hope you're reading this - thank you.)
  5. The people who have listened to me complain, even if it was just a little bit, for resisting the urge to slap me across the face. I love you guys. And it is only fair that I grant you minor slapping permission.

I am an incredibly thankful human being.

ANTI-DISCLAIMER: Unlike most of my blog entries this is not a joke and I will not be disclaiming anything. If you think that this is addressing you in any way then maybe it is, go write about something positive right now to atone for your whinging.

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