Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bear On A Bicycle - Truck Store, 28th June 2012

"Bear on a Bicycle are a new Oxford collective of bands, artists, and film-makers. Come join us on our first showcase at the renowned record store 'TRUCK'"

Having blogged about this event a couple of times, it's only right to show a few photos and say a bit about the whole shabang...

I'll admit, I was terrified - for various personal and ridiculous reasons. One reason is that my college asked to hang on to the sculptures I made for my Final Major Project so I was thinking for about two days "I'm an artist who has nothing to show" which is incredibly scary..
In the end I spent about £50 recreating the sculptures as photographs, by rushing into college one morning and photographing them against a black sheet in some natural light and cranking the levels up until you couldn't see any folds.

Then I printed these images to about A1 size and mounted them on foam board.
My other irrational fears ended up completely disappearing once the art was sorted.

Enough about me.

So the whole thing was basically, I'd call it, a celebration of the arts. That sounds incredibly pretentious, but it was a feast for the ears and eyes. Oh god that sounds worse.

Musically it kicked off with Rob Burr and Adam Watson, who's set gave me goosebumps. I don't know how readily I want to compare it to Mumford & Sons since I don't actually like those guys, but Rob and Adam were wonderful. Not sure if there's any music online but there definitely should be.

Ashamedly, I'll admit I'd never listened to Camena until the Wednesday night. I watched the video below and was so impressed by both the really interesting sound and beautiful accompanying video.

The last live music I saw before this has to have been in 2011. Hang on, I'm thinking... Was it seriously 2011? Fucking hell, I think it was. I forgot how good it is to hear stuff in the flesh, so if you like the sound or look of this video you should definitely come to the next Bear on a Bicycle event (which is rumoured to be near the end of July) as the recorded version can never do the whole experience justice.

Samantha Jayne did some lovely acoustic tunes, and I was astounded to discover that Danica Hunter was only 18 years old. Her stage presence was astonishing.

I am incredibly honoured to have been involved in anything to do with these musicians, as if I had anything to do with the kind of talent that people hear about it would be these guys over every single other act you get on TV and radio.

Besides the pretension about great art and great music and great blah blah blah, what was really great was to have a fun evening with fun people.

Make sure you retards get your sorry arses to the next one. You will hear about it.

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