Sunday, November 06, 2011

An introduction to this Blog

There were, quite frankly, not enough ways to waste my time. Sure, I can watch sitcom reruns back to back all day and night... but I encountered a problem: fictional characters are annoying. Their lives prompt live debates in my head (narrated by their American voices and canned laughter, of course) about how they, or how I, should be living.

So you may see my dilemma already, though I've killed so many brain cells watching these awful TV shows that I may not make any sense to anyone any more.
My dilemma is this: I need somewhere to rant. Twitter is a brilliant outlet for short bursts of anger but 140 characters can prove restrictive when I want to use big words in an attempt to remind everyone I still remember how to use a Thesaurus whilst supporting this lazy TV watching habit.

So, dear internet site, dear anyone who read this far. Prepare for some rants. They might even make sense.

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