Unsurprisingly, I've got a bee in my bonnet. Despite knowing very little about a matter, I'm about to rant a little bit about it.
There has been something on the news in the last couple of days regarding abortion.
The BBC mini-headline reads: "The Department of Health has launched an inquiry into claims that doctors agreed to carry out abortions on the grounds of the sex of unborn babies."
Having only skim read the rest of the article I'm not going to go into the facts at all, but if you'd like to read it in any depth it's here - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17136213
All I can really think about this whole thing is: WELL DUH! If something like that is actually happening then it's not actually surprising, anyone who can honestly pretend to be shocked by it is a class A bullshitter and I take my imaginary hat off to them.
People nowadays have been conditioned to expect they'll get everything they want. Go into Tescos (you want a stir fry for dinner) do you pick up an onion and beansprouts and pepper and mushrooms? No, fuck that, of course you don't - Tesco have chopped it up and put it in a little pack for you. Do you want cash back with that sir?
What I mean is we are a generation increasingly full of people spoilt rotten, and it's not even a class thing anymore. Everyone can have what they want. You don't feel like mothering a boy because they'll play football and get dirty - bang and the baby is gone. Maybe next time you'll get that little princess.
I'm being a bit bleak with this, maybe I should clarify that I'm pro choice, I'm also fucking tired, but seriously - this happened in China for ages. Baby boys were preferred to girls, and now that it is maybe happening in England everyone is getting so 'not in my back yard' about it.
To avoid becoming completely over opinionated I'm going to hold back a lot of other views I've got about this.
But was anyone else seriously unsurprised by this news article? Or am I just getting more cynical by the second?